We are all going there and that's a fact. Whether we like it or not, everybody dies. But why is it that for many years, decades, or even from the time of Jesus, it is so disheartening to lose someone close to us? It always breaks our heart to accept the fact and true nature of life. It is never easy and if you have experienced this, count me in the bandwagon of people who have lost someone so dear in their life. It has been 4 years since the death of my 3-year-old youngest daughter Robin Faith due to cardiomyopathy and it has been only today that I have searched on this topic: COPING WITH LOSS. I just felt the need to face - well, not "fear" but maybe the reality. I always hear other people say that if you have lost someone or if someone dies closest to you, you go through stages and blah, blah, blah. In my mind, "Yeah, whatever. You haven't experienced it yourself, so don't act as my psychologist." It is always hard to give advices especially sens...